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Rebecca Stetzer

10 Ways to Feel Better in Your Own Skin

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

For many this time of year, the seeming answer to feeling better about themselves and improving body image means losing weight or other means of changing their body. But having the focus on changing your body makes you feel worse about your body in the long run. So, consider trying a different focus: making space for your body and caring for it the way it is today, right here and right now. Here are some ideas:

1. Nurture yourself. Doing things that are physically and mentally soothing can make you feel better both instantly and over time. Snuggle with a furry pet, take a hot shower or bath, put on comfortable clothing and watch a favorite movie or listen to music, take some deep belly breaths (this you can do anywhere/anytime!), ask a loved one for a hug or back scratch, meet a trusted friend for a fun activity, get a massage.

2. Cut back on social media. How does social media make you feel? Does it build you up or bring you down? For many, time spent on social media often increases feelings of insecurity. Limit your total time on social media, or limit what you are exposed to by unfollowing unhelpful pages and following body positive supporters.

3. Move. Moving improves mood and enhances body image regardless of your weight/size/shape. Choose movement that is considerate of your physical abilities, current fitness level, financial resources and preferences to ensure that it is enjoyable and not too challenging or punishing.

4. Ditch the diet. Contrary to popular belief, losing weight rarely results in a better body image. Research also points to the unsustainability of weight loss long-term; the vast majority of people regain weight, and up to two-thirds regain more weight than they lost. Instead of working on changing your body, work on self-care habits and let your body do what it’s going to do, and find ways to love and respect your body as it is.

5. Focus on who you are, not what you look like.What are your personal strengths? What are your aspirations? What do you value in life? Oftentimes what attracts us to people has less to do with what they look like and more to do with who they are and their personal qualities.

6. Dress yourself without judgment. Are the clothes that are in your closet comfortable and make you happy? Or do you choose your wardrobe based on what makes you look thinner or strictly by what’s trendy and fashionable? Do your clothes allow for normal fluctuations like fluid retention and bloating or do they cut you in uncomfortable places? Next time you wonder, “Does this make me look good?”, think instead, “Does this make me happy and am I comfortable?”

7. Break up with the scale. If stepping on the scale results in an emotional rollercoaster, then it’s no good in your life. Your weight is not an accurate description of your health, your worth or your happiness. Again, focus instead on self-care habits and let your body do its own thing.

8. Reframe your thoughts. Notice what negative thoughts you have about your body. Write them down. Are they helpful? Consider replacing those negative thoughts with more helpful, positive thoughts. For example, “My legs are too big”, is changed to “My legs carry me through life”.

9. Feed yourself. Restricting your food intake, either unintentionally or intentionally, has a direct impact on how you feel physically and how you function mentally. Fuel your body regularly, starting with the beginning of your day and about every 3-5 hours thereafter. You’ll find this helps you maintain a more consistent energy level, decreases mood swings and wards off mental fog.

10. Celebrate you. Culture may define beauty, but you don’t have to let it define your beauty. Everything about you, inside and out, makes you unique and makes no one else like you. That’s pretty damn amazing!


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